7 Services ACOs Have Increased Compared to Before the Pandemic

  1. Virtual primary care visits: 100% of ACOs surveyed
  2. Virtual specialty care visits: 97% of ACOs surveyed
  3. Virtual specialty services: 61% of ACOs surveyed
  4. Home medication delivery: 52% of ACOs surveyed
  5. Lab monitoring remotely: 49% of ACOs surveyed
  6. Home health care visits: 33% of ACOs surveyed
  7. Using data analytics to identify high-risk patients: 30% of ACOs surveyed
Notes: Results of a survey sent to ACOs participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) as of May 2020, from an article entitled, "Accountable Care Organizations during Covid-19: Routine care for older adults with multiple chronic conditions," by Adam L. Beckman, Robert E. Mechanic, Tanya B. Shah, Jose F. Figueroa.

Source: Healthcare via ScienceDirect, March 2021 - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221307642030110X